Welcome to the
green energy circle

Every day we work to unite agriculture and industry, nature and technology, past and future, ecology and energy.

Sostenibilita - Enomondo nella circolarità di Caviro


Enomondo as part of Caviro's circular philosophy

At Enomondo, nothing goes to waste, everything comes back to create value. In line with the Caviro Group’s circular philosophy, we recover scraps and convert them into energy and soil improvers, which are used in agriculture as natural fertilisers, adding new organic matter to replenish the vineyards where it all began.

Together for an environmentally sustainable future

Enomondo is the result of the synergy between two outstanding companies in Emilia-Romagna that are committed to restoring the virtuous balance between man and nature on our planet.


A cycle
that fosters regeneration

Our soil improvers are made from vegetable and agri-food scraps. Through a natural process of bio-oxidation of the organic matter, they are transformed into a sustainable product for modern agriculture, which is increasingly seeking to reduce the use of synthetic fertilisers.

Technical data sheets

Soil improvers are not all the same, but the relevant regulations differentiate them by source material, production processes, and intended use.

Technical data sheets

Soil improvers are not all the same, but the relevant regulations differentiate them by source material, production processes, and intended use.

i nostri ammendanti!

Il marchio Econat® è garanzia di rispetto per la natura e la sostenibilità.
I nostri ammendanti nascono dalla terra e tornano alla terra, come fertilizzanti naturali
ricchi di sostanza organica: un ciclo virtuoso e inesauribile.


The technology
that creates value

Our electrical and thermal energy are largely generated from renewable energy sources. Not only does this enable the production site to be completely energy self-sufficient, but also any surplus is fed into the national grid, making it available to everyone.

Plant profiles

Scraps can be an inexhaustible source of renewable energy and can be transformed into high-value products.

Plant profiles

Scraps can be an inexhaustible source of renewable energy and can be transformed into high-value products.


Planet and
an inseparable link

Respect for the environment. Respect for safety. Respect for health. These are the three pillars supporting our integrated management system, certified in accordance with standards
UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018.

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